
Advantages of Service Contract for Dlubal Programs

What advantages do I gain with a service contract?


We offer the "Basic" and "Pro" service contracts for each program family as well as for the individual programs.

The advantages of the "Basic" service contract are as follows:

  • Maintenance of the current program version and the previous version
  • Provision of updates (new features and functions, bug fixing, optimization, and standard adjustments) for all modules of the program family
  • Preferred treatment in email hotline support
  • Benefits for future upgrades of the main programs
  • Avoiding necessary updates (one-time update) of the program family when buying or renting add-on modules later

The "Pro" service contract has the additional advantages:

  • Immediate telephone support by our service technician
  • Troubleshooting problems on your computer via remote maintenance software, if necessary
