Punching Shear Design of Slabs with Nodal, Line, and Surface Supports
Concrete Design | Punching | Features
- Import of relevant information and results from RFEM
- Integrated, editable material and section library
- Sensible and complete presetting of input parameters
- Punching design on columns (all section shapes), wall ends, and wall corners
- Automatic recognition of the punching node position from an RFEM model
- Detection of curves or splines as a boundary of the control perimeter
- Automatic consideration of all slab openings defined in the RFEM model
- Construction and graphical display of the control perimeter
- Optional design with unsmoothed shear stress along the control perimeter that corresponds to the actual shear stress distribution in the FE model
- Determination of the load increment factor β via full-plastic shear distribution as constant factors according to EN 1992‑1‑1, Sect. 6.4.3 (3), based on EN 1992‑1‑1, Fig. 6.21N, or by a user‑defined specification
- Numerical and graphical display of results (3D, 2D, and in sections)
- Punching design of the slab without punching reinforcement
- Qualitative determination of the required punching reinforcement
- Design and analysis of the longitudinal reinforcement
- Complete integration of results in an RFEM printout report
Concrete Design | Punching | Input
RFEM supports you and save you a lot of work. The materials and surface thicknesses defined in RFEM are already preset in the Concrete Design add-on. Thus, you can directly define the nodes to be designed.
Any openings in the area with risk of punching shear are automatically taken into account in the RFEM model. The add-on recognizes the position of the nodes of punching shear and automatically determines whether it is a node of punching shear in the center of the slab, on the edge of the slab, or in a slab corner. Again, you save your time.
You can individually select the method for determining the load increment factor β.
Concrete Design | Punching | Design
You have two options in RFEM. On the one hand, you can determine the punching load from a single load (from column/loading/nodal support) and the smoothed or unsmoothed shear force distribution along the control perimeter. On the other hand, you can specify them as user-defined.
Calculate the design ratio of the punching shear resistance without punching reinforcement as a design criterion and the program will deliver you the corresponding result. In the case of exceeding the punching shear resistance without punching reinforcement, the program determines the required punching reinforcement as well as the required longitudinal reinforcement for you.
Concrete Design | Punching | Results
Is the design completed? Then sit back. Because the punching checks are presented for you clearly and with all result details. This allows you to precisely follow each result. The program shows you the provided and allowable shear stresses for the shear resistance of the slab in detail.
RFEM has even more to offer in this add-on. In the next result window, it lists the required longitudinal or punching reinforcement of each analyzed node. You can also find an explanatory graphic there. RFEM shows you the design results clearly displayed with values in the work window. You can integrate all result tables and graphics into the global printout report of RFEM. Thus, you can be sure of a clear documentation.
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