
Stay Cables

The segment is stabilized by stay cables, which act on the outer part of the segment. For this, it is necessary to create the nodes to which the stay cables attach.

First, a center node is created in the center of the segment: Right-click on the outer node (the end node of the strut) and select the Move/Copy function in the shortcut menu. In the following dialog box, activate the Create Copy option. Enter the radius of the entire structure of 144 m as a displacement vector in the X direction.

If you have also set all outer nodes of the cables using the "New Node" New Node button, you can copy these nodes by dragging them into the Z-direction about the previously created center node. In order to position the nodes correctly for modeling the cables, they should be rotated by 7.5 or -15 degrees (see Image Copying Outer Nodes).

Now, define a new member of the "Cable" member type. Select a round member as a cross-section in the "Members" section of the library and set the diameter to 80 mm.

Finally, set the cable members as shown in Image Positioning Stay Cables (1‑2, 3‑2, 2‑4).

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