
Load Case "Prestress"

To ensure that RFEM is able to find the correct shape of the structural model, it is necessary to specify the form-finding conditions. In the first step, a new load case called "Prestress" is created, as shown in the image Load Case "Prestress".

For the new load case, a member load of the "Form-Finding" type is defined using the toolbar ( New Member Load ). This form-finding member load can be described geometrically or introduced as a force. The former can be defined as a length, an unstressed length, or sag (including the maximum and deep vertical sag), the latter as a member force, tension at the ends, horizontal tension component, or force density. In this case, the definition type is set to "Geometric" and 100% of the length, since it is expected that the shape can be found with the original length of the cables.

The load is then assigned to the cable members as shown in the image Geometric Form-Finding Load.