This export option allows for a direct export to BricksCAD. The current RFEM model is directly transferred to BricsCAD. For the export, it is necessary to open both applications at the same time.
Insert Point
You can specify the insert point manually.
Axis rotation
You can also rotate the model about the global axes. A positive angle rotates the model clockwise.
Coordinate System Transformation
In the corresponding drop-down menu, you can swap or mirror the coordinates.
If the "Length units of DXF template" are not to be automatically adopted from the DXF file, you can select the appropriate unit from the list.
Export FE mesh
The generated FE mesh is exported in the form of lines and nodes.
Export FE as 3DFace
RFEM exports each FE mesh cell as a 3DFace element. In BricksCAD, these are displayed as a multi-surface mesh.
Result options
Deformed mesh
Exports deformed mesh of active load situation.