2 Theoretical Background Specification of a reinforcement

Specification of a reinforcement

At the top surface of the plate, we select a reinforcement based on rebars with a diameter ds of 12 mm at a distance ls of 10.0 cm for both directions.

The following provided reinforcement is thus obtained:

prov as1,-z = ds24 · π · 100 cm/mls = 1.2 cm24 · π · 100 cm/m10.0 cm = 11.31 cm2/m

These values are entered in the Longitudinal Reinforcement tab of window 1.4 Reinforcement or selected with the [Rebars] button (see Figure 2.105).

Image 2.84 Window 1.4 Reinforcement, Longitudinal Reinforcement tab for entering basic and additional reinforcement

With this reinforcement diameter, the following centroids of the concrete cover are obtained:

Image 2.85 Window 1.4 Reinforcement, Reinforcement Layout tab

Thus, the effective depth for the individual reinforcement directions is determined as follows:

d1,-z = h - d1 = 20 - 3 = 17 cm 

d2,-z = h - d2 = 20 - 4.2 = 15.8 cm