2 Theoretical Background

8.3 Exporting the Results

The results of RF-CONCRETE Surfaces can also be used in other programs.


You can copy cells selected in the result windows to the clipboard with [Ctrl]+[C] and subsequently insert them with [Ctrl]+[V] into a word processing program, for example. The headers of the table columns are not transferred.

Printout report

The data of RF-CONCRETE Surfaces can be printed into the printout report (see chapter 7.1) where they can be exported with the menu item

      • File → Export to RTF.

This function is described in chapter 10.1.11 of the RFEM manual.


RF-CONCRETE Surfaces allows you to directly export data to MS Excel or into the CSV format. You can access this function by selecting the menu option

      • File → Export Tables.

The following export dialog box opens.

Image 8.6 Export of Tables dialog box

When the selection is complete, click [OK] to start the export. Excel is started automatically, meaning you do not need to open the program first.

Image 8.7 Result in Excel
CAD applications

The reinforcement areas determined in RF-CONCRETE Surfaces can also be used in CAD applications. RFEM provides interfaces with the following programs:

  • Glaser (format *.fem)
  • Strakon (format *.cfe)
  • Nemetschek (FEM format for Allplan *.asf)
  • Engineering Structural Format (format *.esf)

You can access the export function with the RFEM menu item

      • File → Export.

The Export dialog box opens where you can select the appropriate interface (see Figure 8.8). This dialog box is described in chapter 12.5.2 of the RFEM manual.

Image 8.8 Export RFEM dialog box, Format tab

Depending on the interface, there can be additional tabs with settings for controlling the export of the reinforcements.

Image 8.9 Export RFEM dialog box, Detail Settings tab for Nemetschek format
Image 8.10 Export RFEM dialog box, Results tab for Nemetschek format

After clicking [OK], another dialog box for the Selection of the relevant results appears.

Image 8.11 Selection RFEM dialog box
Parent Chapter