2 Theoretical Background

2.3.5 Design of the Concrete Compression Strut

Design of the Concrete Compression Strut

The concrete compression force in the selected concrete compression strut direction is one of the design forces. It is analyzed whether the concrete is able to resist the compression force. However, the complete concrete compression stress fcd is not applied; instead, the allowable concrete compression stress is reduced to 80%, analogous to the recommendation by Schlaich/Schäfer ([2], page 373).

With the reduced concrete compression stress fcd,08, the magnitude of the resistant axial force nstrut,d per meter is determined by multiplying it with a width of one meter and the wall thickness.

nstrut,d =fcd,08 · b · d

This resistant concrete compression force can now be compared to the acting concrete compression force nstrut. The analysis of the concrete compression strut is fulfilled, if

nstrut,d  nstrut

The design of the concrete compression strut is carried out in the same way for all standards available in the program, naturally with the respectively valid material properties.

[2] Jörg Schlaich and Kurt Schäfer. Konstruieren im Stahlbetonbau. Betonkalender, 1993.
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