
Creating Curved and Arched Sections

How can I create a curved or arched section?


To do this, it is necessary first to create a line of the desired shape in the surface at the location where the section is to be created. The section can then be arranged on this line (see Image 01). If no element with a stiffness is connected to this line and no load is applied, you have to first inform the mesh generator that this line should still be meshed (see Image 02). The results can be seen after the calculation.

If two result diagrams are displayed, this is because the result is displayed from both sides of the line. In this case, you can set the smoothing of the internal forces to "Continuous Total". Then, these are smoothed over the lines and only one result diagram remains.


Mr. Rehm is responsible for developing products for timber structures, and he provides technical support for customers.

