
Fire Resistance Configurations

Use Fire Resistance Configuration to manage the detailed settings for the fire resistance design of an object. In this dialog box, you can specify the required time of the fire resistance and the fire exposure. The basic structure of the design configuration dialog box and the option of assigning it to the individual objects are described in the superordinate chapter Timber Design .


The specifications within a fire resistance configuration apply to all objects to which this configuration is assigned. If there is no fire resistance configuration assigned to an object to be designed, no fire resistance design is performed for this object.


The design is currently limited to a simple rectangular cross-sectioni Rectangular Cross-Section and a circular cross-section Circular Cross-Section . For any other cross-section types, you will get an error message.

By defining the fire resistance time and the fire exposure, a residual cross-section is determined, on which the design is performed according to the corresponding standard. If the cross-section is not exposed to fire on all sides, you should clear the corresponding direction.


For a circular cross-section Circular Cross-Section , the definition of the fire exposure is of no interest, as the cross-section is reduced over the complete perimeter.

For the fire resistance design, it is necessary to select a design situation type with the "Fire" description on the design side. Otherwise, no fire resistance design is carried out.

Parent Chapter


Knowledge Base

NDS Fire Design for Wood Members in RFEM 6