

All materials available in the model are listed again in the Input Data of the design add-on.

Valid Materials

The font color of the materials gives you the information about the utilization and validity of the material in the selected design add-on:

  • Blue = material not used in the entire model
  • Red = material not suitable for the design in the active add-on
  • Gray = Members / member set with this material are not selected for design in the active add-on.
  • Black = Members / member sets with this manual are selected for design in the active add-on.

In Aluminum Design, only the materials of the Aluminum type are allowed, otherwise not all properties necessary for the design are defined (see Chapter Materials of the RFEM manual).

Regardless of the selection in the 'To Design' check box, objects with invalid materials are not considered in the design (automatic classification in 'Not Valid/Deactivated', see also Objects to Design).

Removing Materials from Design

For all valid materials, you can deactivate all objects with this material by clearing the "To Design" check box. Thus, these objects are assigned to the "Not Valid / Deactivated" column and removed from the design (see Objects to Design).

Adjusting Material Properties

Material properties can be adjusted in the editing dialog box for the material. The modified values are considered in the aluminum design. Double-click a row or click the Open Editing Dialog Box button to go directly to the editing dialog box for the material.

In the Main tab, activate the "User-defined material" option to edit the material properties for the aluminum design. For example, you can adjust the material stiffnesses and strengths in the individual thickness ranges under the Material Values tab. You can also define the partial safety factors for the material according to the respective design standard (for example, γM0 and γM1 for EN 1993) in this dialog box; to do this, select the Aluminum Design tab.


Factors for stiffness modification entered in the material dialog box or in a Structure Modification are not considered for the design in the Aluminum Design add-on. Use the adjustment of the material properties for this.


The "Options" column of the table includes the icons for various existing settings or modified values, so you can quickly get an overview and, for example, identify adjusted materials.

Parent Chapter