
Conceptual Design of Wolbecker Road Bridge No. 76 in Münster, Germany

Starting in 2018, an architecturally appealing tied-arch bridge will arise in Münster, Germany.

The new road bridge, with a span of 220.5 ft, will be built on the Dortmund-Ems Canal.

The Wolbecker road bridge No. 76 is a part of the infrastructure project "Extension of the Dortmund-Ems Canal". In addition to the clearance width extension, the clearance height of the new bridge will be increased for shipping traffic. As a result of broadening the canal section, the waterway can be used in the future by more efficient ships, running at a reasonable speed.

In cooperation with the design and architectural office Dissing + Weitling from Copenhagen, the Dlubal Software customer grbv Ingenieure im Bauwesen GmbH & Co. KG from Hanover carried out the preliminary and conceptual design for the upcoming replacement construction.

Structure and Design

After considering several variants, the design of the "hyperbolic arch with orthotropic roadway slab" was accepted.

The freestanding hyperbolic arches are round tubes with d = 28 inches and an arch rise of 50.9 ft. As with all other components of the superstructure, steel material of grade S 355 J2+N is used. The only exception is the fan-shaped round steel hangers with d = 2.8 inches and steel grade of S 460 NL.

The loads on the bridge deck are transferred to the pipe bends by the hanger. The reinforcing girders act as tension chords to absorb the bow thrust ("bowstring-girder bridge").

In the course of the very detailed design, the arch bridge was modeled as a spatial beam structure in RSTAB. The design was carried out for load model 1 according to DIN EN 1991-2 (αQ1 = 1.0) with the National Annex.

The new Wolbecker road bridge is an extraordinary bridge structure, different from conventional tied-arch bridges.

Investor Waterways and Shipping Office Rheine
Architect DISSING+WEITLING architecture
Building and Structural Planning grbv Ingenieure im Bauwesen GmbH & Co. KG, Hanover, Germany

Project Specifications

Model Data

Number of Nodes 461
Number of Members 824
Number of Load Cases 69
Number of Load Combinations 2
Number of Result Combinations 35
Total Weight 420,424 t
Dimensions (Metric) 76.288 x 14.100 x 16.750 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 250.29 x 46.26 x 54.95 feet
Program Version 8.10.01

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