
Model - Nonlinear Elastic

Material Behavior

An overview of the properties of the nonlinear elastic soil material model can be found in the corresponding chapter of Theoretical Foundations.

Input dialog box

The following input parameters are required for the nonlinear elastic model.

  • φ - Angle of friction
  • c - cohesion
  • Eoed,ref - reference value of oedometric tangent modulus
  • pref - reference stress
  • m - exponent for stress dependence

These parameters are defined in the specific input tab shown in the image below.

Additional Notes

to the cohesion

When using numerical methods, such as FEM, in geotechnical engineering, it is recommended to always apply a non-zero cohesion. Therefore, a small cohesion between 0.5 and 1.0 kN/m² can be applied even for non-cohesive soils.

Exponent for stress dependence

The usual values for sand are m = 0.5 and for clay m = 1.0.

Parent Chapter