2 Teoretické základy

Detaily návrhu

Click the [Info] button, which is available in all results windows, to view the design details of the selected FE node or grid point, i.e. the point whose table row the cursor is placed in.

Obr. 6.2 Design Details dialog box for ultimate limit state design

The design details are listed in a tree structure. You can expand the chapters with and close them with . The buttons shown on the left allow you to [Close] and [Open] the sub-chapters in the directory tree.

In the graphic on the right, the location of the point is shown in the model.

The following details are output in the ultimate limit state design (see chapter 2.5):

  • Posudková zpráva
  • Internal Forces of Linear Statics
  • Hlavní vnitřní síly
  • Návrhové vnitřní síly
  • Tlaková diagonála betonu
  • Nutná podélná výztuž
  • Posouzení na posouvající síly
  • Staticky nutná podélná výztuž
  • Minimální výztuž
  • Kontrola maximálního stupně vyztužení
  • Vkládaná výztuž
  • Způsob výpočtu pro obálku výztuže

The design details depend on the selected Type of check. Use the list at the bottom of the dialog box to select the displayed results.

In the serviceability limit state design, numerous intermediate results are shown in the lower part of the windows (see Figure 5.6). Click the button to view a detailed list of the design details available for the current point. This option is only available for results according to the analytical method.

Obr. 6.3 Design Details dialog box for serviceability limit state design

All the design details that are relevant for each type of check are displayed in a tree structure. Use the list at the bottom of the dialog box to control the displayed results.

Tabulka 6.1 Type of check for serviceability limit state designs
Method of check Druh posouzení


lim ds
lim sl

→ see Table 5.2

Click to go to the previous FE node or grid point or to set the next point.

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