

目前,用于 RWIND 3 的模型可以在 RFEM 6 或 RSTAB 9 中创建,或者从 STL 文件(例如地形和其他对象)或其他格式的文件中导入,见章节{%!005714导入模型]]了解更多信息, 施加在特定方向上的风荷载(见下面的描述)产生相应的荷载工况。 Each direction represents one model in RWIND 3. After the calculation, the models are saved in the "RFEM 6 / RSTAB 9" project group. For the analysis, the models are exported to RWIND 3 where the loads are determined. The denominations of each model (Project) include the names of the RFEM 6 / RSTAB 9 models and the load case numbers.

You can open any RFEM 6 or RSTAB 9 model to examine the results. 此外,您可以修改计算参数,移动或旋转模型,或者插入地形的几何图形(在开发中,见章节 模型类型)。


If you have launched RWIND 3 from RFEM 6 or RSTAB 9 and want to save the model under a different name, use the Save Copy As function on the "File" menu. "Save As" might disconnect the project from RFEM 6 / RSTAB 9 and cause an error.