
Position of Design Points for Suspension Crane in CRANEWAY

I would like to use the CRANEWAY add-on module to design a suspension crane. Where are design points 0, 1, and 2 for the stress analysis on the bottom flange and for the fatigue design?


The design points in CRANEWAY have been adopted in compliance with the standard. In this case, the stresses are calculated for the following locations:

  • Design Point 0: A periphery of the flange at the web edge or at the fillet start
  • Design Point 1: A flange at a load application point (this can be checked as wheel spacing in Window 1.4)
  • Design Point 2: Flange edge

These points are not displayed in the resulting cross-section graphic in the CRANEWAY program. However, there is always a stress point at design points 0 and 2 for which the result values can be displayed directly.


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.
