
FAQ 004293 | I have activated the minimum longitudinal reinforcement in RF‑CONCRETE Members. Will this be ...

I have activated the minimum longitudinal reinforcement in RF‑CONCRETE Members. Will this be displayed in the graphical display of the required reinforcement at the top or bottom?

If the calculation of the longitudinal reinforcement according to the standard is activated, the required reinforcement content is taken into account when displaying the required reinforcement.

See the following graphic with the distribution of the required reinforcement without the minimum longitudinal reinforcement according to the standard:

And in comparison, the distribution of A-s,erf,-z(top) with the minimum longitudinal reinforcement according to the standard:

In result window "2.4 Required Reinforcement by x‑Location", you can see which reinforcement is required at each x‑location of the designed member. If the minimum longitudinal reinforcement according to the standard is governing, this is indicated by note No. 26) or 27).

At the locations where the minimum longitudinal reinforcement is not governing, only the statically required longitudinal reinforcement is displayed. Messages Nos. 26) and 27) are missing in this case.
