
Result Evaluation

In the toolbar of the table, you can start the calculation using the Results button.

Design Details

After the calculation, an overview of design checks whose design criterion is not fulfilled and other errors that arose during the design checks opens in the table. Double-click the relevant table row to open the design details. Here you can see the formulas of the design in the dialog box section on the right and display the calculation with intermediate steps using Switch Formula View . Summarize Formula View only displays the design criterion.

Design Ratio by Member

The table shows the design results in the "Design Ratio on Members" category, sorted by various criteria. If you limit the visibility to a specific member, the results are displayed only for this member. This way, you can see the results for a single stringer.


After selecting an object, you can use the Related Objects button to limit the visibility of this object or to hide the object. In the shortcut menu of the graphics area, you can specify whether the hidden objects should be displayed in the background.

Optimizing Cross-Section

The Steel Design add-on allows you to perform the design with a different cross-section than for the calculation of internal forces. This can be entered in the table in the input data under cross-sections. For standardized cross-sections, it is possible to optimize the cross-sections from their respective series in the cross-section library. Here, the smallest possible cross-section is selected from the corresponding row, for which all design checks provide a smaller design criterion than the limit value specified in the global settings.


For simplified cross-section optimization in the add-on, the effects of the cross-section changes on the stiffnesses and internal forces in the RFEM model are not taken into account initially. To do this, it is necessary to specifically assign the new cross-section to the members in the model and perform a new calculation.