
Mesh Quality

The spatial discretization of the structure by means of an FE mesh is crucial for the accuracy of the calculation results. A high mesh density ensures good accuracy, but also a longer computation time. Therefore, you should be careful when specifying the generation of the FE mesh. Find detailed information about this in the RFEM Manual.


The following recommendation can be used as a guide: About eight to ten finite elements should be generated between the boundary lines of a rectangular surface. If possible, avoid defining fewer than four elements. At least five elements are necessary for a non-constant axial force distribution.

You can generate and display the mesh by clickling the Show Mesh button.

After generating the mesh, use the mesh quality function. This can be activated in the "Display navigator" and provides an overview of which finite solids meet the specified quality criteria and which do not.

The results are displayed in the control panel and in the graphics.

In the mesh settings, you can find the quality criteria used for the the mesh check. They can be edited individually.

If the mesh density is too rough, you should reduce the desired length of the finite elements in the "General" tab. The "Maximum number of mesh nodes" represents the upper limit of the generated nodes. This allows you to limit the number of equations to be solved.