
Steel Columns

To select the two remaining freestanding lines (nos. 15 and 16), click them one after another while holding down the Ctrl key. The pointer shows a plus symbol. Then double-click one of the selected lines.

Select the Member option again. In the 'New Member' dialog box, select the Section tab. Then open the list of sections in the 'Section with Material' area where you select the W 8x31 section.

Click OK twice to close the two dialog boxes.

Rotating Columns

As you can see in the rendering, the axes of the columns are not properly arranged yet. It is possible to adjust the rotation angle in the 'Edit Member' dialog box (see the Allocating members to lines image). Instead, the tables are used again.

Select the Members table. Then enter the 'Rotation' angle 90° of members no. 2 and 3. The graphics is instantly updated.