
Initial Sway via Table

The imperfection type 'Initial Sway via Table' allows you to define floor ranges and to specify the inclination for each of them.

Define the level ranges by entering the ordinates in the table in the 'Initial Sway tab via Table'. You can create a new row with the button Create New Effective Length at the bottom of the table and above Insert New Imperfection Cases above the currently selected row.


Please note that the floors are defined in ascending order (see graphic in the dialog box) and that the signs of the ordinate refer to the selected coordinate system.

Furthermore, you can choose whether to apply an inclination in the X-direction, the Y-direction, or both directions. The 'Level Direction' specifies the ordinate of the stories. Thus, vertically directed initial inclinations are also possible. In the table, the inclination is displayed as the reciprocal value of 1 or alternatively as a decimal number.

Calculation of imperfection case

After calculating the imperfection case, the result is the deformation that is applied as an imperfection. This type of imperfection is taken into account by displacing the FE elements in the calculation.



This imperfection variant is well-suited for large structures or mixed structures consisting of surfaces and members. Regardless of the individual orientation of the elements, it is possible to easily define the inclination for the entire structure.

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