
[EN] FAQ 003178 | What is the recommended setting for the distribution of internal forces ...

What is the recommended setting for the distribution of internal forces/stresses in Project Navigator - Display?

The FE analysis determines the results for each FE mesh node. Usually, continuous distribution of the internal force or deformation is preferable for the graphic. For this purpose, it is necessary to smooth the results; for example, via interpolation. However, the question cannot be answered in general, as this has to be decided from model to model. Basically, RFEM distinguishes between the following five options:

Constant on Elements
Constant distribution in the element

Non Continuous
Interpolation in the element based on the results in special points

Continuous within Surfaces
Calculation of average at node within the defined surfaces, followed by interpolation via the element

Continuous Total
All results are averaged on the node (independent of the defined surfaces), then interpolated via the element

Continuously by groups
It is also possible to smooth results by groups. RFEM provides Generated groups with similar material properties. You can create user-defined groups of surfaces or solids using the navigator shortcut menu (right-click User Groups).

There is an interesting technical article on this issue.
