Strength and Stability
Aluminum Design | Strength and Stability | Features
- A wide range of available sections, such as rolled I-sections; channel sections; T-sections; angles; rectangular and circular hollow sections; round bars; symmetrical and asymmetrical, parametric I-, T-, and angle sections; built-up cross-sections (suitability for design depends on the selected standard)
- Design of general RSECTION cross-sections (depending on the design formats available in the respective standard); for example, equivalent stress design
- Design of tapered members (design method depending on the standard)
- Adjustment of the essential design factors and standard parameters is possible
- Flexibility due to detailed setting options for basis and extent of calculations
- Fast and clear results output for an immediate overview of the result distribution after the design
- Detailed output of the design results and essential formulas (comprehensible and verifiable result path)
- Numerical results clearly arranged in tables and graphical display of the results in the model
- Integration of the output into the RFEM/RSTAB printout report
Aluminum Design | Strength and Stability | Cross-Section Resistance
- Design of tension, compression, bending, shear, torsion, and combined internal forces
- Tension design with consideration of a reduced section area (for example, hole weakening)
- Automatic classification of cross-sections to check local buckling
- Internal forces from the calculation with Torsional Warping (7 DOF) are taken into account using the equivalent stress check (currently not yet available for the ADM 2020 design standard).
- Design of cross-sections of Class 4 with effective cross-section properties according to EN 1993‑1‑5 (licenses for RSECTION and Effective Sections are required for the RSECTION cross-sections)
- Shear buckling check with consideration of transverse stiffeners
Aluminum Design | Strength and Stability | Stability Analysis
- Stability analyses for flexural buckling, torsional buckling, and flexural-torsional buckling under compression
- Lateral-torsional buckling analysis of the structural components subjected to moment loading
- Import of the effective lengths from the calculation using the Structure Stability add-on
- Graphical input and check of the defined nodal supports and effective lengths for stability analysis
- Depending on the standard, a choice between user-defined input of Mcr, analytical method from the standard, or use of internal eigenvalue solver
- Consideration of a shear panel and a rotational restraint when using the eigenvalue solver
- Graphical display of a mode shape if the eigenvalue solver was used
- Stability analysis of structural components with the combined compression and bending stress, depending on the design standard
- Comprehensible calculation of all necessary coefficients, such as interaction factors
- Alternative consideration of all effects for the stability analysis when determining internal forces in RFEM/RSTAB (second-order analysis, imperfections, stiffness reduction, possibly in combination with the Torsional Warping (7 DOF) add-on)
Aluminum Design | Strength and Stability | Input
As usual, you enter the structural system and calculate the internal forces in the programs RFEM and RSTAB. You have unlimited access to the extensive material and cross-section libraries. Did you know that you can create general cross-sections using the RSECTION program? That saves you a lot of work.
Don't be afraid of additional windows and input chaos! Aluminum Design is completely integrated into the main programs and automatically takes into account the structure and the available calculation results. You can directly assign further entries for the aluminum design, such as effective lengths, cross-section reductions, or design parameters, to the objects to be designed. You can simply and efficiently select the elements graphically using the [Select] function.
Aluminum Design | Strength and Stability | Results
Was your design successful? Very good, now comes the relaxed part. Because the program gives you the performed design checks in a table. You can display all result details in detail here. The clearly presented design formulas ensure that you will be able to understand the results without any problems. There is no black-box effect with Dlubal Software.
The design checks are carried out at all governing locations of the members and displayed graphically as a result diagram. You can find more detailed graphics in the result output. This includes the stress distribution on the cross-section or the governing mode shape, for example.
All input and result data are part of the RFEM/RSTAB printout report. You can select the report contents and extent specifically for the individual design checks.
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