
3.1 Project Management

The model files created by the RWIND Simulation program are called “Projects”. The Project Manager helps you to organise all projects.

To open the Project Manager, select File Project Manager on the menu or use the button in the toolbar.

The Project Manager consists of two tabs in which the Project Groups and the contained Projects are managed.

Project Groups
Image 3.1 Project Manager, Project Groups tab

The first tab lists all project groups that have been created by the installation (“Demo”), by Dlubal applications (“RFEM/RSTAB”) or by yourself. You can see the Description and Path of every project group. The current project group is highlighted. To change the project group, double-click the relevant line.

Use the [New] button to create a new project group. Then specify the Name, Description and Directory of the project group in a dialog box (see the Image 'New Project Group').

Image 3.2 New Project Group
Image 3.3 Project Manager, Projects tab

The current project group is set as default. You can select a different project group in the list if you want to manage a new project in some other folder.

In the table, all projects contained in the current projects are listed. You can see their names, descriptions, existing results, sizes, and dates of modification. To sort the arrangement in a different manner, click the corresponding table header.


Projects in the RFEM/RSTAB project group have special project (file) names, e.g. "2DCB5BCB-58BA-4E63-B8B3-0F8772B1F44F.rws1". They are needed to identify projects unambiguously. To make the projects table more user-friendly, ”Alias“ project names are displayed. Do not change the original file names since this could cause inconsistent data exchange between RWIND Simulation and RFEM/RSTAB.

Below, you see a preview of the selected project and its details.

To open a project, double-click it in the list. You can also select it and use the [Open] button.

Use the [New] button to create a new project. Then specify the Name and Description of the project in a dialog box (see the Image 'New Project').

Image 3.4 New Project

The current project group is preset.

The Import model from file option enables you to import data via an interface. If you want to create the model by yourself, however, clear this check box.

Click [Next] to open the following dialog box. It appears when a model is to be imported.

Image 3.5 Import Model

When the Import model from file option has been selected, you can specify the file type in the Import Model dialog box. Currently, RFEM/RSTAB data (file format *.vtp), Stereo Lithography files (*.stl), Wavefront OBJ files (*.obj), and Industry Foundation Classes files (*.ifc) of version 2x3 are supported.


Many 3D programs, such as Autodesk Revit or SketchUp, provide the option to export models to the STL file format. RWIND Simulation can thus be used independently of RFEM or RSTAB to perform general CFD analyses and determine the flow fields, surface pressures, drag forces, etc. of all sorts of models. Load forces will not be created for RFEM/RSTAB, though.

Set the File path and the Length units. Make sure that the Z-axis is in accordance with the settings in RFEM/RSTAB.

In the Options section, you can decide whether the model is to be moved to the origin. Furthermore, the wind tunnel dimensions can be automatically adjusted to the size of the model.

Click [Finish] to import the model file.

If the model is to be created in RWIND Simulation (instead of being imported from a file), clicking [Next] in the 'New Project' dialog box opens the following dialog box.

Image 3.6 Wind Tunnel

You can define the dimensions of the wind tunnel by means of six parameters. The dimensions in X, Y and Z refer to the origin. By default, the intake size is twice the width and height dimensions of the model. Its length is set as three times the model length with a shorter distance at the intake side.

The Lower boundary condition applied to the bottom surface of the wind tunnel is set as smooth surface by default.

The surface roughness can be controlled by the material properties defined for the surface at the tunnel floor. When you select the Slip Surface option from the list, however, the influence of the bottom plane is deactivated, i.e. as if the model was far off the ground. You can then analyse parts of a building, for example the top of a tower, without defining the entire object.

It is recommended to adjust the work plane grid to the size of the wind tunnel.

Click [OK] to create the new project and start working.

The Project Manager cannot be left open in the background as a stand-alone application while you work with RWIND Simulation.

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