0001-01-01 Graphical Manipulator

Graphical Manipulator

Select the model before applying the function.

Image 3.29 Options to Transform Objects in panel and work window

The panel and the work window provide the previously described features for you to manipulate the model: Translation or Rotation (see the Chapter 'Manipulate Model'), Scaling and Skewing (rotating about an axis with changing coordinates of only one direction – see the Chapter 'Resize Model'). Alternatively, you can modify the model in the work window by selecting one of the arrows and moving it. The corresponding parameter is shown in the Current Value and Step box of the panel.


The wind tunnel is not adapted automatically to the modified model. Use the 'Wind Tunnel' dialog box where you can adjust its dimensions to the new conditions.


Be careful when manipulating models that have been imported from RFEM or RSTAB. The modified sizes will not be exported back to the Dlubal application! To avoid model inconsistencies, only manipulate models that you have imported from *.stl files for simulations independently of RFEM or RSTAB.


Models can also by moved (or copied) by using drag-and-drop operations, which can sometimes be easier than using the graphical manipulator.

The standard drag handle of a model is indicated by small sphere visible when the model is preselected. When the [Alt] key is pressed, all available handles are displayed: Blue spheres at each side of the model and small orange spheres at the position of the pointer. Select the most suitable one.

When dragging the model, release the [Alt] key. For the graphical pointer to snap to another model, press the [Alt] key again. As soon as you approach the target model, blue and orange help points are displayed for a suitable placement, which allows for an easy alignment.

Image 3.30 Aligning objects during drag-and-drop

To copy a model, press [Ctrl] when dropping the model.

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