0001-01-01 Surface Quantities

Surface Quantities

The results that are related to the surfaces of the model are displayed as Surface Quantities. Those include the surface pressure and Cp coefficient results. You can set the type of results by clicking the [P] or [Cp] button in the Results - Surface Quantities area of the panel.

Surface Pressure
Image 5.2 Surface pressure

By default, the pressure due to the wind acting on the surfaces is displayed as a Color Map: to every point on each surface, a pressure value is allocated. The colour assignment classifies the locations within surfaces that have specific pressure magnitudes. In the panel, the colours and respective values are represented.

The pressure acts perpendicularly on the surfaces, thus showing you drag (positive magnitudes) and lift (negative magnitudes).

When you activate the Show Drag Forces option in the panel or navigator, you can review the resulting force of the wind load acting on the model and its location.

Image 5.3 Surface pressure with resulting drag force

If required, you can modify the colours and assigned values (see the Chapter 'Colour Map').


When you activate the Results on Finite Volume Mesh option in the panel or navigator, the surface pressure results are displayed on the mesh featuring the finite volumes used for the calculation. Thus, you can check how openings or connections of beams are treated in the simulation, for example.

Image 5.4 Results on finite volume mesh
Surface Cp Coefficient
Image 5.5 Surface Cp coefficient

These values show the pressure coefficients which represent the relationship between the static pressure and the stagnation pressure. The definition of the Cp coefficient can e.g. be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure_coefficient, with the freestream velocity V assumed as value occurring at the top edge of the model.

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