0001-01-01 Scalar Fields

Scalar Fields

Via the Scalar Fields options available in the View navigator, you can display the results values related to every point of the model in different ways. Alternatively, select the display option from the list button in the toolbar. Please note that the type of display must match the type of result: For example, isosurfaces representing 3D finite volume mesh results cannot be applied to 2D surface pressure results.

Image 5.26 Color Map display of surface pressure

The Color Map display option is set by default. It fits all types of results and model display as it is adapted automatically. In the panel, the eleven principal colours with the corresponding values are represented. You can adjust both colours and values, if necessary (see the Chapter 'Colour Map').

Isolines represent lines of points with equal results. By default, eleven colours are allocated to lines featuring values at equidistant intervals. Isolines can be useful for printing graphics to a monochrome printer.

Isosurfaces are surfaces featuring identical values of the 3D finite volume mesh output. That option can be used to display pressure field and velocity field results.

The Color Edges and Color Points options illustrate the results of the 3D finite volume mesh. Thus, they are useful to display the pressure field and velocity field results by means of coloured mesh lines or coloured mesh nodes, respectively.

Image 5.27 Color Edges display of velocity field

If the Min/Max Values option is enabled, the extreme values of the selected type of result are shown. Ordinary values can be displayed by moving the pointer across a surface or within the slicer plane.

Depending on the selected type of results, the Solid/Transparent Model view or the Wireframe Model view is advantageous to evaluate the results. You can also select the model display option from the list button in the toolbar.

Image 5.28 Color Points display of pressure field for Wireframe Model
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