
Seismic Requirements

The Seismic Requirements table is available when the 'Earthquake Limit State' is selected for the Limit State Type. Depending on the type of frames (SFRS) presented in the model, there are three tabs available:

  • Stability Bracing by Member
  • Moment Frame Connection by Member
  • Brace Connection by Member

Stability Bracing by Member

The required strength and stiffness of the stability bracings are listed in the 'Stability Bracing by Member' tab under 'Seismic Requirements'. These values can be compared to the calculated available strength and stiffness when designing the bracing members which frame into the beam. There are no design check details available (only references).

There are two different values listed for the required strengths. The first value, Pbr is applicable to the stability bracings that are located outside the plastic hinge location. The second, higher value, Pr is for the stability bracings at the plastic hinge location. The required bracing stiffness, βbr shall also meet the requirements of Appendix 6 of AISC 360.

Moment Frame Connection by Member

The Required Flexural Strength and the Required Shear Strength of the beam-to-column connection are listed in the 'Moment Frame Connection by Member' tab. The design check details are not available for the connection strength. However, the equations and standard references are listed. The symbols and definitions are summarized in the table below.

More details on the connection calculation can be found in the knowledge base article below.
KB | AISC 341-16 Moment Frame Connection Strength in RFEM 6

Brace Connection by Member

The Required Connection Tensile Strength and the Required Connection Compressive Strength of the brace are listed in the 'Brace Connection by Member' tab. The design check details are not available for the connection strengths. However, the equations and standard references are listed in the table.

More details on the connection calculation can be found in the knowledge base article below.
KB | AISC 341 Braced Frame Design in RFEM 6

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