
计算 ASCE 7 风速剖面

用于计算ASCE 7风速剖面的公式是什么?


根据规范 ASCE 7‑16 {%! 26.10-1. The coefficients and basic wind speed in this equation below are incorporated in the wind pressure equation.

Velocity Wind Pressure (Imperial)

qz = 0.00256 Kz Kzt Kd Ke V2

We must reference this equation to calculate the inlet velocity relative to elevation for the RWIND Simulation CFD wind tunnel. To consider only velocity rather than pressure from this equation, the basic wind speed is multiplied by the square-root of each coefficient. Notice the velocity variable in Eq. 26.10‑1 is squared which requires the square root of the coefficients to be considered.

Inlet Velocity

Because the ASCE 7-16 standard does not address wind CFD analysis and magnitude of the required inlet velocity, it is difficult to draw comparisons. Therefore, this is the closest estimate for calculating the RWIND Simulation inlet wind velocity per the code.


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  1. ASCE/SEI 7-16,建筑物和其他结构的最小设计荷载和相关准则。
