
Confusing RWIND Results of Line Probe

My results of the line probe in RWIND seem implausible. Why?


The "Graph along line" function allows you to define a line on the model or in the slicer plane, thus creating a section diagram of the results along this line. You can save this graph as a line probe.

After activating the function, you can select the relevant points of the line (or polyline) by clicking the mouse. The coordinates of the points are displayed in the panel that is specially arranged for them. It is also possible to modify the object snap here, if necessary.

If the results do not show the surface results, it may be caused by a more complex structure where you have selected too few evaluation points.

If the line probe is only defined by two points (A, B) when entering the data graphically, it is projected onto the model in such a way that the segment AB is internally divided into n-auxiliary points and each of these points is projected onto the nearest point of the model (1). If there are objects in between, as in our model, these results are included as well.

The solution is to define more points (2).


Mr. Hoffmann provides technical support to Dlubal Software customers and is responsible for the coordination of all technical inquiries and activities.
