
Add-ons for Concrete Structures

Which products do you recommend for the structural analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures?


The following programs and add-ons are perfectly suitable for your reinforced concrete projects.

Main Program

To model your structure and determine the internal forces, you need one of the main programs. Depending on the application area, you can use RFEM 6 or RSTAB 9.

  • RSTAB: Analysis of planar or spatial frame & truss structures
  • RFEM: Finite element analysis of plate, wall, shell, and member structures

If your model has surface components, such as plates and walls, in addition to membe elements, you need RFEM.

Concrete Design Add-on

The Concrete Design add-on allows you to design the reinforced concrete components of a model. The design checks according to specific standard include not only members (bending beams, columns) and surfaces (plates, walls), but also surfaces susceptible to punching shear. For columns, the stability analysis according to the nominal curvature method is integrated in the add-on.

You can specify user-defined reinforcement or determine it by using the program. With these basic conditions, you can perform the ultimate and serviceability limit state design checks according to one of the following standards:

  • EN 1992, including National Annexes
  • ACI 318
  • CSA A23.3
  • SP 63.13330

The add-on also allows for deformation analyses for cracked reinforced concrete surfaces (state II) using the approximation methods described in the standards. Tension stiffening as well as creep and shrinkage can be taken into account.

Additional Add-ons

If you have special requirements for the reinforced concrete structure, we recommend further add-ons and additional programs to help you solve the task.

To use a cross-section that is not included in the extensive cross-section library of RFEM 6 or RSTAB 9, the RSECTION program helps you when modeling the cross-section including reinforcement. You can then design this cross-section as usual in the Concrete Design add-on.

If you need to perform seismic or vibration analysis, the dynamic analysis add-ons provide you with powerful tools for your structural analysis and design. The Modal Analysis add-on enables the calculation of natural frequencies, and in combination with the Response Spectrum Analysis add-on, you can also perform seismic analysis according to numerous standards.

If you are designing a building with a complicated shape, so that the determination of wind loads according to the relevant standards reaches its limits, then the RWIND program will support you: Using a CFD analysis, you can determine the wind loads even for highly complex building shapes.

If the construction stages affect the final internal forces in a structure, or if the governing internal forces for the structural design result from certain construction stages, you should model this using the Construction Stages Analysis add-on. The Building Model add-on allows you to easily enter large multi-story concrete structures.


Mr. Vogl creates and maintains the technical documentation.

