
Unsymmetric Results for Circular Surface in RFEM 5

I have a circular surface with symmetric loading. However, the results are unsymmetric. What can be the reason for this?


The axis orientation of the surfaces in your model is probably not adjusted. For a circular surface, we recommend specifying the orientation of the axes of the surfaces or the axes of the results of the surfaces.

You can adjust the axes for each surface. In the "Axes" tab, you can find the subtabs "Axes for Input" and "Axes for Results".

The "Axes for Results" tab adjusts the axes of the surface for the results. Here you can specify the orientation of the axes using a point, for example. A major advantage of this method is that the results are not deleted when adjusting the axes.

The "Axes for Input" tab adjusts the axes of the surface for the orientation and results. Here you can specify the orientation of the axes on a line, for example.

The results of both axis adjustments are the same. For symmetric loading, the expected symmetric results are provided.


Mr. Hoffmann provides technical support to Dlubal Software customers and is responsible for the coordination of all technical inquiries and activities.

