
Beam Panel

When you select the Beam Panel thickness type, three new tabs are added to the Thickness dialog box. There, you can define the properties of the sheeting, frame members, and inner columns.


In the Sheathing tab, you can select any material with which the surface is sheeted on one or both sides. The resulting eccentricity based on the cross-section and the surface thickness is determined automatically and taken into account accordingly.

The cladding is displayed as a real surface in RFEM. Therefore, in the case of a timber covering (for example, OSB), it is necessary to select the 'Orthotropic' material model. Material models are described in detail in the Stiffnesses for Multilayer Surfaces chapter.

Framing Members

In the Framing Members tab, you can define the boundary members of the beam slab. You can define any cross-section with any material for the directions parallel to the local y- and x-surface axes. In addition to the most common timber cross-sections, it is also possible to use steel cross-sections.

In the 'Connections' section, you can describe the flexibility between the members and the covering.

The following options are available for selection in the 'Connector Type' list:

  • Nail
  • Staple
  • User-defined

The calculation of slip as well as three-dimensional calculations are described in the Knowledge Base article Calculating Timber Panel Wall with Thickness Type.

The determined slip is saved between the cross-section and the cladding as a 'Special Object' of the type
Rigid Link with a line hinge in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the member.

For further analyses, for example, to define nonlinear line hinge connections, it is also possible to cancel the generated state. For this, use the button Cancel Generated State , line hinges as shown in the following figure. This option is also available for cross-sections and members.

The image Rigid Coupling for Beam shows how the stiffness in longitudinal and transverse directions is considered. It is also possible to apply the stiffness only in the longitudinal direction: The value for uz would then be zero. The torsional stiffness is assumed to have the value of 10-8 · ux to prevent instabilities.

Inner Studs

The Inner Studs tab is similar to the Framing Members tab. Here you can define the columns of the beam pulley.

The columns can be distributed in four ways.

  • Graduation (usually in a grid of 62.5 cm)
  • Clear span (distance between studs)
  • Constant (Constant distance without remainder)
  • User-defined (each column can be defined individually)


To consider openings in the beam plate that are due to windows or doors, we recommend using the generation with 'Surface Cells'. You can activate these surface cells in the General Data of the model under Settings & Options.

After activating the surface cells, the beam plate automatically recognizes the openings and generates the corresponding posts and beams.

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