
2.8 Member Hinges - Sets of Members

This window is displayed if at least one set of members is selected for design in the 1.1 General Data window. Here, you can define hinges for members within the set of members that, for structural reasons, don't transfer the degrees of freedom locked in Window 1.7 as internal forces. Make sure that no double hinges are generated in coaction with Window 1.7.

Window 1.8 is not displayed if the Equivalent Member Method for sets of members is selected in the Details dialog box (see Figure 3.2).

The table manages the hinge parameters of the set of members selected in the navigator on the left.

Figure 2.35 Window 1.8 Member Hinges - Set of Members

In column B, you specify the Member Side where the hinge is located, or if there are hinges on both member sides.

In columns C to F, you can define the releases or spring constants in order to adjust the set of members model to the support conditions of Window 1.7.

If the warping analysis with seven degrees of freedom is selected in the Warping Torsion tab of the Details dialog box (requires license of RF-/STEEL Warping Torsion module extension), the columns are extended by corresponding input options.

Figure 2.36 Window 1.8 Member Hinges - Set of Members for warping analysis with seven degrees of freedom
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