
Connecting Individual Members in RF-/JOINTS Steel - Pinned

In RF-/JOINTS Steel - Pinned, it is possible to design connections without a supporting structure (for example, columns). In this case, the beam is connected to an anchor plate. How is this kind of connection defined?

First, select a joint type in Window 1.1 General Data (for example, a fin plate). The anchor plate connection is to be defined in Window 1.2 Nodes and Members. As a condition, only one member can be connected. There are two options:
If the connection is on an end support or it connects a member to a surface, you only have to select the corresponding nodes.
If the connection is on a member with an unacceptable cross‑section (for example, a rectangular concrete column), you have to deactivate this member (see the figure).
Now, you can adjust the connection, including the anchor plate dimensions, in Window 1.4 Geometry.

Finally, it should also be mentioned that on an anchor plate, only welds and bolts are designed. No anchorage designs are performed.


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