
Find Mode Shapes from Critical Load Factor

The function, which is also known as shifting, allows you to calculate critical load factors beyond a user‑defined initial value. Determination of the critical load factors is usually done from the smallest to the greatest critical load factor.

If you define a value for shift f0, the characteristic polynomial is shifted by this value to the origin. This has the effect that the calculation first converges to the next greater critical load factor beyond f0. When using this function, please note that critical load factors smaller than f0 cannot be determined.

If, for example, a model has the critical load factors (eigenvalues) 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15..., and if you select a shift of f0 = 7, the critical load factors 8, 9, 11, 15... are determined.

