
Using Tsai-Wu Material Model (Orthotropic Plastic)

With the orthotropic elastic-plastic material model, you can calculate solids with plastic material properties in RFEM 5 and evaluate them according to the Tsai‑Wu failure criterion. The Tsai-Wu criterion is named for Stephen W. Tsai and Edward M. Wu, who published it in 1971 for plane stress states.

This material behavior can be used for fiber-reinforced plastic or wood‑based panels. One characteristic of these materials is their structural anisotropy (compared to homogenous materials like steel that show a largely isotropic material behavior). Therefore, a fiber‑reinforced plastic/wood‑based panel can be described completely only if, in addition to the elasticities, the material strengths (that is, the material failure) can be described as direction-dependent. These properties can be specified when selecting the material model.


Mr. Frenzel is responsible for developing products for dynamic analysis. He also provides technical support for customers of Dlubal Software.

