
Deleting Not Used Loads

In my structural system, I removed a member subjected to a load. When trying to run a calculation, an error message appears saying that the member does not exist. Is it possible to quickly delete loads that are not used in RFEM/RSTAB?


If you delete elements such as nodes, lines, members, and solids in the graphic after selecting them using the left mouse button, all related loads in all load cases are usually deleted as well.

However, if you delete these elements in tables, the corresponding loads remain, as they may still be needed.

You can quickly delete loads that are no longer assigned in RFEM/RSTAB using the menu "Tools → Delete Loads → Not Used Loads".

This feature removes all loads from all load cases whose model data has been deleted (does not exist). Now, you can calculate the model.


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.
