
Visualization of Pre-Deformations and Mode Shapes in Rendering Mode in RSTAB

I have not succeeded in visualizing the pre-deformations in the rendering mode in FE‑LTB. I only see either the undeformed system or the stress distribution, but never the pre-deformation!


You can make the pre-deformations visible in the rendering mode after clicking the [Select Imperfections] button in Window 2.3 Imperfections (Image 01).

The RSTAB work window appears. In the Navigator, you can see which mode shape is currently being displayed. Use the options to graphically check the first 10 mode shapes (Image 02).

You can also view the individual mode shapes in rendering mode and even animate them. The same function as in RSTAB is responsible for the rendering. After the calculation in FE‑LTB, you can view the stress diagram, design ratios, internal forces, deformations, and applied mode shape in the rendering using the [Graphics] button (Image 03).
