
FAQ 005562 | Is there any way to display the values when creating a printout report?

When creating a printout report, is there any option to display the values of loads generated by load transfer surfaces?

Select the "Member Loads" entry in the Print Reports Manager and activate the "Display generated loads" option, which is disabled by default:

► Picture | https://www.dlubal.com/en-US/support-and-learning/support/faq/005562 | Options for member loads in the printout report manager https://www.dlubal.com/en-US/img/051216
► Image | FAQ 005562 | Affichage des charges générées dans le rapport d'impression https://www.dlubal.com/fr/img/051217

If the load distribution of the transfer surface is "variable", the values of the generated member loads will also be of the "Variable" type; therefore, it is necessary to select the corresponding entry in the Printout Report Manager and also activate the "Display generated loads" option:

► Image | FAQ 005562 | Distribution de charge « Variable » de la surface de transfert https://www.dlubal.com/fr/img/051218
► Image | FAQ 005562 | Options des charges variables de barre dans le gestionnaire des rapports d'impression https://www.dlubal.com/fr/img/051219
► Image | FAQ 005562 | Affichage des charges variables générées dans le rapport d'impression https://www.dlubal.com/fr/img/051220