
[EN] FAQ 001102 | I would like to print a graphic (for example, isolines for the bottom reinforcement) ...

I would like to print a graphic (for example, isolines for the bottom reinforcement) without a color display, but with the isolines labeled with a numerical value.

The isolines are also printed in color when selecting "Texts and lines in black".

This is because the "Texts and lines in black" setting only refers to the structural data. The isolines as results are displayed in color.

In this case, you should use the "Grayscale" option. The results are thus displayed in gray tones.

For example, if there is very poor display of light gray lines in the printout report for yellow isolines, you can change this accordingly in the color panel. To do this, double-click the color gradient in the panel. In the "Edit Isoline Value and Color Scales" dialog box, you can change the individual colors by double-clicking the individual color.

The modified color scale can be saved in this dialog box or reset to the original gradient using the "Default" button.
