
Office Building Palmovka Open Park IV - Arched Hall, Czech Republic

The design and structural analysis of the roof's steel structure over the Palmovka Open Park IV office building were carried out by the KONSTAT company.
The large hall building is comprised of a steel arched roof supported on steel columns which further tie into the reinforced concrete foundation.

The steel structure is entirely covered at both the ceiling and wall locations. Only the steel frame tie rods and continuous purlins in the place of the skylights are visible. Portions of the original structure are still utilized throughout the building, but do not serve any structural capacity. This includes specifically the timber arched trusses with tie rods and struts, steel lattice columns, and roof skylights.


The main structural components include ten steel frames 32.5 ft in height, spanning 79.6 ft, spaced 18 ft on-center. The frames are laterally restrained and consist of columns, tie rods, and arched lattice rafters. Geometrically, the steel frames are asymmetrical due to the various column distances from the arch axis.

The steel frame columns are reinforced HEA sections, the tie rods are flat bars, and the frame rafters are round tubes. The frame rafter includes a triangular lattice arch truss (one top chord and two bottom chords), struts (crossbeams), and diagonal bracing between the bottom chords. The trusses further connect at the base to the reinforced HEA columns. Purlins constructed from IPE sections (welded I-beams) connect to the undersides of the arch trusses.
Location Prague, Palmovka, Czech Republic
Structural Analysis Ing. Pavel Korejčík
Ing. Jan Seifert
Architectural Design Aulík Fišer Architekti s.r.o.

Project Specifications

Model Data

Number of Nodes 1242
Number of Lines 1943
Number of Members 1943
Number of Load Cases 1
Total Weight 74.063 tons
Dimensions (Metric) 21.472 x 24.788 x 9.987 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 70.45 x 81.33 x 32.77 feet
Program Version 5.24.01

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