
3.3 Data Transfer from Dlubal to Tekla

In RFEM/RSTAB, the data export to Tekla Structures is started via the [Direct Export] button.

A dialog box appears in which the specifications for the export of the data are to be made.

Optionally, you can Overwrite an existing model or Append attachments to it. Alternatively, it is possible to Update the model including the load data; the Update options provide specific requirements for coordinates, materials, etc. During the update, new objects can be added, or deleted objects can be removed to synchronize the data.

If an existing model is overwritten or supplemented, the elements can be mirrored about the axes of the global coordinate system.

Optionally, the internal forces of current view can be selected for the data transfer, for example to export the layout of connections. The export automatically filters the maximum and minimum internal forces at the end of the members or sets of members and writes them into the Tekla database. Tekla users can make use of this information when selecting available components from the Tekla Structures library.

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