You can neglect openings with a certain area in the building model calculation. This function can be activated in the global settings of the building stories. A warning message appears saying that the openings have been neglected.
For the design of concrete surfaces, the rib component of the internal forces can be neglected for the ULS calculation and for the analytical method of the SLS calculation, because this component is already considered in the member design. To do this, select the check box in the "Details" dialog box. If no rib was defined, this function is not available.
For structural components and structures with structural behavior considerably influenced by the effects of the second-order analysis, Eurocode 2 provides the general method based on a nonlinear determination of internal forces according to the second-order analysis (5.8.6), as well as the approximation method based on the nominal curvature (5.8.8).
The aim of this technical article is to perform a design according to the general design method of Eurocode 2 using an example of a reinforced concrete column.
The aim of this technical article is to perform a design according to the general design method of Eurocode 2 using an example of a reinforced concrete column.
This article provides a step-by-step guide to the design of shear walls in RFEM 6.
This technical article shows you how the "Concrete Foundations" add-on in RFEM 6 facilitates the execution of geotechnical design checks. For the design of a foundation according to DIN EN 1997-1/NA, a structural system consisting of a concrete column with a foundation slab is considered. The essential design checks for ground failure safety, sliding resistance, highly eccentric loads in core (limitation of the gaping joint), and highly eccentric loading are presented and illustrated.
In the Concrete Design add-on, you can determine the required longitudinal reinforcement for the direct crack width analysis (wk).
For the design of reinforced concrete members, there is the option to automatically determine the number or diameter of rebars.
For concrete design, you can display the reinforcement results in tables separately by design situation.
In the Concrete Design add-on for RFEM 6, you can perform the fire design of reinforced concrete slabs and walls according to the simplified table method (EN 1992‑1‑2, Section 5.4.2 and Tables 5.8 and 5.9).