
Concrete Design Add-on

The Concrete Design add-on combines all CONCRETE add-on modules from RFEM 5 / RSTAB 8. Compared to these add-on modules, the following new features have been added to the Concrete Design add-on for RFEM 6 / RSTAB 9:

  • Input of design-relevant specifications (effective lengths, durability, reinforcement directions, surface reinforcement) directly in the RFEM or RSTAB model
  • Extensive input options for longitudinal and transverse reinforcement of members
  • Detailed intermediate results for the design with specification of the equations of the applied standard for better traceability of the calculation
  • New interaction diagram with interactive graphic for N, M, and M + N from cross-section design incl. output of the secant and tangent stiffness
  • Design of the defined reinforcement in the ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state incl. graphical output of the design ratio for the respective component
  • Automatic check of the defined reinforcement with regard to the construction or general reinforcement rules for reinforced member and surface components
  • Cross-section design optionally with net values of the concrete section
  • Design according to the Russian standard SP 63.13330
