
Installing Updates

When updating within a version series (for example, RFEM 5.01.01 to 5.01.02), the old program files are removed and replaced by new ones. The project data, of course, remain unchanged. When updating to the next version series (for example, RFEM 5.02.01), the new version is installed in parallel. The program files are located in different directories, so the previous version is still available.

The following standard folders are used for RFEM:

  • RFEM 4: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dlubal\RFEM4
  • RFEM 5.01: C:\Program Files\Dlubal\RFEM 5.01
  • RFEM 5.02: C:\Program Files\Dlubal\RFEM 5.02
  • RFEM 5.03: C:\Program Files\Dlubal\RFEM 5.03, and so on.

If you are only using the current RFEM or RSTAB version, you can uninstall the old version series via the Windows settings. When installing a new version series, you can also uninstall the previous version. Your project data will be preserved in any case.


Mr. Vogl creates and maintains the technical documentation.
