
Web Queries (API) Geo-Zone Tool: Standards for Seismic Loads

Which seismic load standards and National Annexes are available for API queries of the Geo-Zone Tool?


The following table shows the snow load standards and their National Annexes. For utilization in the API, use the content in the "Annex/Edition" column.

An overview of loading introductions and standards of API can be found in the following FAQ:
Structural Loads and Standards of Geo-Zone Tool API

Annexes/Editions Earthquake
Country Name Load Zone Type Standard Annex/Edition
Argentina Earthquake INPRES-CIRSOC 103 INPRES-CIRSOC 103
Australia Earthquake AS 1170-4 AS 1170-4
Austria Earthquake EN 1998-1 ONORM B 1998-1
Azerbaijan Earthquake AzDTN 2.3-1 AzDTN 2.3-1
Bangladesh Earthquake BNBC BNBC
Belarus Earthquake EN 1998-1 TKP EN 1998-1
Belgium Earthquake EN 1998-1 NBN EN 1998-1
Bolivia Earthquake GBDS GBDS
Bosnia and Herzegovina Earthquake EN 1998-1 BAS EN 1998-1
Brazil Earthquake ABNT NBR 15421:2006 ABNT NBR 15421:2006
Brazil Earthquake ABNT NBR 15421:2023 ABNT NBR 15421:2023
Bulgaria Earthquake EN 1998-1 BDS EN 1998-1
Canada Earthquake NBC 2015 NBC 2015
Canada Earthquake NBC 2020 NBC 2020
CEN Earthquake EN 1998-1 CEN EN 1998‑1
Colombia Earthquake NSR A NSR A
Costa Rica Earthquake CSCR CSCR
Croatia Earthquake EN 1998-1 HRN EN 1998-1
Cuba Earthquake NC 46 NC 46
Cyprus Earthquake EN 1998-1 CYS EN 1998-1
Czech Republic Earthquake EN 1998-1 CSN EN 1998-1
Denmark Earthquake EN 1998-1 DS/EN 1998-1
Dominican Republic Earthquake MOPC R-001 MOPC R-001
Ecuador Earthquake CPE INEN 5-1 CPE INEN 5-1
Egypt Earthquake ECP-201 ECP-201
El Salvador Earthquake NTDS NTDS
Ethiopia Earthquake EBCS-8 EBCS-8
Fiji Earthquake FNBC FNBC
Finland Earthquake EN 1998-1 SFS EN 1998‑1
France Earthquake EN 1998-1 NF EN 1998-1
Germany Earthquake EN 1998-1 DIN EN 1998-1:2021-07
Germany Earthquake DIN 4149:2022-06 DIN 4149:2022-06
Germany Earthquake DIN 4149:2005-04 DIN 4149:2005-04
Germany Earthquake EN 1998-1 DIN EN 1998-1:2023-11
Greece Earthquake EN 1998-1 ΕLΟΤ EN 1998-1
Guatemala Earthquake NSE 2 NSE 2
Honduras Earthquake CHOC CHOC
Hungary Earthquake EN 1998-1 MSZ EN 1998-1
Chile Earthquake NCh 433 NCh 433
Iceland Earthquake EN 1998-1 IST EN 1998-1
India Earthquake IS 1893‑1 IS 1893‑1
Iran Earthquake IR 2800 IR 2800
Iraq Earthquake IQ.303 IQ.303
Israel Earthquake SI 413 SI 413
Italy Earthquake EN 1998-1 UNI EN 1998-1
Italy Earthquake NTC NTC
Japan Earthquake AIJ RLB AIJ RLB
Jordan Earthquake JNBC-L JNBC-L
Latvia Earthquake EN 1998-1 LVS EN 1998-1
Lebanon Earthquake NL 135 NL 135
Liechtenstein Earthquake LL BauV LL BauV
Lithuania Earthquake EN 1998-1 LST EN 1998-1
Luxembourg Earthquake EN 1998-1 ILNAS-EN 1998-1
Malaysia Earthquake EN 1998-1 MS EN 1998‑1
Mexico Earthquake CFE Sismo CFE Sismo
Mexico Earthquake CFE Sismo NTC Sismo (Mexico City)
Moldova Earthquake EN 1998-1 SM EN 1998‑1
Montenegro Earthquake EN 1998-1 MEST EN 1998‑1
Morocco Earthquake RPS RPS
Myanmar (Burma) Earthquake MNBC Part 3 MNBC Part 3
Nepal Earthquake NBC 105:1994 NBC 105:1994
Nepal Earthquake NBC 105:2020 NBC 105:2020
Netherlands Earthquake EN 1998-1 NEN-EN 1998-1
Netherlands Earthquake NPR 9998 NPR 9998
New Zealand Earthquake NZS 1170-5 NZS 1170-5
Nicaragua Earthquake RNC RNC
Nigeria Earthquake NBCN NBCN
North Macedonia Earthquake EN 1998-1 MKS EN 1998-1
Norway Earthquake EN 1998-1 NS-EN 1998-1
Pakistan Earthquake BCP SP BCP SP
Panama Earthquake REP REP
People's Republic of China Earthquake GB 50011 GB 50011
Peru Earthquake NTE E.030:2016 NTE E.030:2016
Peru Earthquake NTE E.030:2020 NTE E.030:2020
Philippines Earthquake NSCP NSCP
Poland Earthquake EN 1998-1 PN‑EN 1998‑1
Portugal Earthquake EN 1998-1 NP EN 1998-1
Puerto Rico Earthquake PRBC PRBC
Romania Earthquake EN 1998-1 SR EN 1998-1
Romania Earthquake P 100-1 P 100-1
Russia Earthquake СП 14.13330 SP 14.13330
Saudi Arabia Earthquake SBC 301 SBC 301
Serbia Earthquake EN 1998-1 SRPS EN 1998-1
Singapore Earthquake EN 1998-1 NA to SS EN 1998‑1
Slovakia Earthquake EN 1998-1 STN EN 1998-1
Slovenia Earthquake EN 1998-1 SIST EN 1998-1:2009-01
Slovenia Earthquake EN 1998-1 SIST EN 1998-1:2022-05
South Africa Earthquake SANS 10160-4 SANS 10160-4
South Korea Earthquake KBC KBC
South Korea Earthquake KDS 41 KDS 41
Spain Earthquake NCSE‑02 NCSE‑02
Spain Earthquake EN 1998-1 UNE EN 1998‑1
Sweden Earthquake EN 1998-1 SS-EN 1998-1
Taiwan Earthquake Taiwan SSDB Taiwan SSDB
Turkey Earthquake TBEC TBEC
Ukraine Earthquake ДБН В.1.1-12 dbn-v-1.1-12
United Kingdom Earthquake EN 1998-1 BS EN 1998-1
United States Earthquake ASCE/SEI 7-16 ASCE/SEI 7-16
Uzbekistan Earthquake КМК 2.01.03 KMK 2.01.03
Venezuela Earthquake COVENIN 1756-1 COVENIN 1756-1
Vietnam Earthquake TCXDVN 375 TCXDVN 375
Vietnam Earthquake TCVN 9386 TCVN 9386


Mr. Hartmann provides technical support to our customers.
