
Installation of Dlubal Plugin for Rhino and Grasshopper

Is the Dlubal plugin for Rhino or Grasshopper installed automatically?


No, the plugins are not installed automatically. A manual installation is required. The procedure depends on the currently installed version of RFEM 6.

As of RFEM 6.06.0002, the installation routine has been changed. If you are already using the plugin, please refer to the third paragraph.

Up to and including RFEM 6.06.0001

Only Rhino 7 is officially supported. Rhino should be closed.

  • Navigate to the following folder: C:\Program Files\Dlubal\RFEM 6.xx\tools\RhinoPlugin
  • Run the "DlubalRfem6Plugin.rhi" file by double-clicking it.
  • Start Rhino. The plugin should now appear in Rhino and Grasshopper.
  • Enable WebServices in the Dlubal program options.

As of RFEM 6.06.0002

Both Rhino 7 and Rhino 8 are supported.

  • Open the Package Manager in Rhino.
  • Select the "Dlubal Plugin".
  • Select the correct version depending on the main Rhino version. Versions starting with "7." are intended for Rhino 7. Versions starting with "8." are intended for Rhino 8. The two middle numbering groups are based on the RFEM version number.

RFEM 6.06.0002 → Dlubal-plugin 6.606.2.1. Ideally, the respective plug-in version of the RFEM main version is installed, if not, the next older one.

Switching from Old Installation Procedure to Package Manager Installation

The existing Dlubal plugin folders have to be deleted. Depending on the selected installation type, the folders will be stored locally or globally.

Local Installation:
Global Installation:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\Plug-ins

The "RhinoDlubalPlugin…" folder should be deleted from the respective folder. Then, you can run the installation using the package manager.

Using /netfx Workaround

Users who have been using the Dlubal plugin for Rhino 8 via the/netfx workaround should undo these adjustments in the Rhino 8 shortcut in order to enable the official Rhino 8 plugin.


Mr. Sühnel is responsible for the quality assurance of RSTAB; he also participates in product development and provides technical support for our customers.
