
Wind profile definition in RWIND Simulation

I have defined a wind profile for RWIND Simulation up to a height of 100 m. Is the wind profile dependent on the size of the wind tunnel?


In the wind profile, always define the elevation ranges from, 0 - 5 m, then 5 m - 10 m, and so on. If your wind profile ends at 100 m, it will not be cut off, but the value for 100 m will be applied also for higher altitudes. If your wind tunnel is smaller than the profile stored, only wind speeds up to this height are considered.

You can check this visually by displaying the velocity vectors and deactivating the display on the reduced area.

For a wind tunnel with a height of 50 m, you get the following result:

For a wind tunnel with a height of 150 m, you get the following result:


Mr. Hoffmann provides technical support to Dlubal Software customers and is responsible for the coordination of all technical inquiries and activities.

