The following VBA macro shows the creation of two member eccentricities.
Sub SetEccs()
Dim model As RSTAB8.model
Dim data As IModelData
Dim ecc(1) As RSTAB8.MemberEccentricity
'Get interface for model
Set model = GetObject(, "RSTAB8.Model")
' Block COM licence and program access
On Error GoTo e
' Get interface for model data
Set data = model.GetModelData
'Define eccentricity 1
ecc(0).No = 1
ecc(0).ReferenceSystem = LocalSystemType
ecc(0).Start.X = 0.01
ecc(0).Start.Y = 0.02
ecc(0).Start.Z = 0.03
ecc(0).End.X = -0.01
ecc(0).End.Y = -0.02
ecc(0).End.Z = -0.03
ecc(0).Comment = "eccentricity 1"
'Define eccentricity 2
ecc(1).No = 2
ecc(1).ReferenceSystem = GlobalSystemType
ecc(1).Start.X = -0.07
ecc(1).Start.Y = -0.08
ecc(1).Start.Z = -0.09
ecc(1).End.X = 0.07
ecc(1).End.Y = 0.08
ecc(1).End.Z = 0.09
ecc(1).Comment = "eccentricity 2"
'Transfer member eccentricities
data.SetMemberEccentricities ecc
e: data.FinishModification
If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Description, , Err.Source
Set data = Nothing
' COM licence is unlocked, program access possible again
Set model = Nothing
End Sub